Minor White Born : July 9, 1908 (Minneapolis Died: June 24, 1976 Known for: Photography - Minor White started writing in his journal early in his life, but then stopped to focus on photography. He continued to fill the pages of his journal until he directed most of his energy into teaching around 1976. He made multiple books about his life and photography, but then shortly died after that from a heart attack. - Minor White lived a lot of his life as a closeted gay man, he was afraid to express himself publicly because he didn't want to lose any teaching jobs and some of his most compelling images are figure studies of men who he taught or with who he had relationships with secretly. He wrote his feelings about his homosexuality in his diary, but to his content his parents read It without his permission and then he ran off to pursue his photography. And he never spoke of his homosexuality again. (I don't know why ...