Student of the Month story

Who: Anna Miletich
What: Have been chosen to be student of the month
Where: Bowie High school
When: March 5, 2019
Why: She excels in her grades and track and field
How:  She focuses and follows directions in her classes and her teachers like her.

        On March 3 James Bowie High School, Anna Miletich was chosen to be student of the month for her greatness in the academic area, great behavior in class, and how she excels in sports and academics.

        Anna is a sophomore here at Bowie and was in the top 10% of her class, she was chosen to be student of the month and is motivated to have this title.

        "My teachers like me and i do well in school and sports." Anna Miletich said.

        Anna runs Track and Field at Bowie and also maintains school and her grades. She was asked about what her least favorite subject was and her answer was not surprising because she is student of the month.
        "My least favorite subject is probably math because it hasn't really been challenging for awhile and it makes me tired."

        But it seems that Anna focuses a lot on Track and really enjoys it.

        "I am part of the track and field team here at bowie and run the 400m, triple jump, high jump, and long jump and I really enjoy it because I think it is very fun and motivating."

        I asked Anna's mom what she thinks of Anna's accomplishment and her track career.

        " I am very proud of Anna and the title she got at Bowie. She has always been great at maintaining school and track and I feel she is going to be very successful in track and to keep putting school first."

        I talked to the girls Track and Field coach here at Bowie, Coach Torres and she had a lot of good things to say about Anna and her motivation and attitude towards/in track.

        "Anna Miletich is a very bright and active girl and always gives it everything she's got on that track. She consistently follow directions and always listens to me while I am saying warm ups or the workout we are doing in practice and at meets."

        I asked Anna if she was planning on going to college after high school and her answer and plan was very cool.

        "I plan on going to college either in the states or in Europe and I want to study Architecture and Engineering."

        Anna Melitich is a very intelligent , genuine, and planned girl and I can tell she is going to be very successful and determined.


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