Basic Photo composition P.1

this is shows simplicity because the background doesn't distract from the main subject which is the person. And the background is a little out of focus as well.
This picture taken by Associated Press photographer Richard drew was deemed too controversial by most newspaper editors. "The Falling Man" became the subject of a documentary, but the identity of the man plummeting to his death is still disputed. Some families refuse to believe it could be their relative for religious reasons, even though no 9/11 victim has been classified as dying by suicide.
Rule of Thirds
This photo has rule of thirds in it because the photo shows many different things in a horizontal and vertical line. And you can tell what the subject is.
With bridges and tunnels closed to all but emergency vehicles, New Yorkers had no choice but to walk home. The green sign on the left says: Welcome to Manhattan
This photo shows the rule of lines in it because it catches the eye and are lines on the building, but is also showing what happened on 9/11 as well.
Here's one for the conspiracy nutters who claim the building was bombed and that there were never any planes. Clue: bombs don't make plane-shaped holes.


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