student of the month interview Assignment #2

1. What do you think is factored when the student of the month is chosen?
The students grades and if they are helping others or not.

2.  How do you think the student of the month is chosen?
Looking at progress reports and how they behave in class and their grades.

3. Do you think that the students get a say in who is chosen?
They probably should because if you have a student that is not kind to other people than they probably shouldn't be considered the SOTM
4. Why do you think there is a student of the month?
To promote students to learn more or try harder
5. Are you happy as the student of the month?
Yes, because it is motivating.
6. Do you think this decreases the confidence in the students who aren't chosen?
Yes, i think it could tamper with someones self esteem.
7. Do you think that by having "a student of the month" it pushes other students to get student of the month?
Yes, i definitely think that it could get pretty competitive
8. How do you think parents handle this?
I think your parents would be proud of you and if they are strict about it then it is probably expected.
9. Can you be student of the month more than once?
10. Do you think kids have denied this award or title?
I don't think that anyone has denied the award or title but i bet some people feel uncomfortable with the pressure it comes with.
11. Do you think more schools should enforce this award/title?
I don't think that anymore schools should enforce because the students that don't win are probably less motivated to excel in academics.
12. Do you think there are enough schools that already have this award?
I am not sure how many schools have this award
13. Do you think athleticism is factored when choosing this?
Probably which is unfair because there are plenty of good students who don't excel in sports.
14. What is your favorite class and why?
My favorite class is art because it is relaxing and it helps me destress and prepare myself for the day.
15. What is your least favorite class and why?
My least favorite class is probably photo journalism because it takes all of my energy and there is a lot of work that comes with it.
16. Are you apart of any sports in this school or outside of school?
I am part of the track and field team here at bowie and run the 400m, triple jump, high jump, and long jump. I think it is very fun and motivating.
17. Why do you think you were chosen to be the student of the month?
My teachers like me and i do well in school and sports.
18. What is your favorite subject?
My favorite subject is probably english because i like the reading books that are assigned .
19.What is your least favorite subject?
my least favorite subject is probably math because it hasn't really been challenging for awhile and it makes me tired.
20. Do you plan on going to college?
I plan on going to college either in the states or in Europe and i want to study Architecture and Engineering.


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