Self portrait and portrait info

1. Alter Your Perspective
2. Hold Your Camera on an Angle
3. Experiment with Subject Expressions

Environmental portrait:

What i liked about these photos is that in the first one it has a lot of color and i think that caught my eye while i was looking at all the photos.  The second one i thought was a very rustic and cool toned picture and i think in these photos that both people are content with their environment.

Self portrait:

I liked these photos because in the first on it really explains a self portrait to me and is very vintage and cool.  While in the second one it has a deeper meaning and it very meaningful, but still conveys a self portrait.

Casual portrait:

Both of these photos show a casual portrait type of photo, in the first one it shows a girl posing for a photo she's taking.  And in the second one it shows a man posing for a photo being taken.  I think a casual portrait is one of the most popular type of portraits and these photos were very cool looking.

For my portrait assignment I am going to be shooting people and their expressions and also shoot objects, while also keeping some type of theme throughout all of the pictures.  I think I will shoot towards downtown and in my neighborhood. That way I can get the kids expressions and happiness and capture that in my photo in my neighborhood, but while I'm downtown I can get cool objects and stores.  To make my pictures and shooting successful I will use different angles in my pictures to make it more fun and understanding.  I will also play with the lighting to see if that makes my pictures cooler and looking better.


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