Magazines Part II

Image based:
The main attributes to an Image Based magazine cover is one or a few people facing the camera preferably smiling. Many people take different approaches on Image based shooting, but this is to present the cover person in an unusual way. When shooting landscape or beautiful meals they use many different angles to capture it.

Illustration Based:
The main attributes of an illustration based magazine cover are an illustrated image of something funny or not something you see regularly.  The majority of illustration based covers are published independently and do not rely on news stands. Now you can add more uniqueness to these photos for the cover of magazines.

Type based:
The main attributes to an Type Based photo for a magazine cover are used when wanting to present something shocking or even stricking. Although many people don't use type based shooting or pictures type based pictures are having a revival in the last few years and the numbers are going up.

Concept Based:
The main attributes of a concept based magazine cover to instantly be understandable and for you to be interested in reading it and looking at it.  Concept based pictures are also rare, butare mainly seen in business covers, news weekly magazines, and independent magazines. But many people still use Concept based in their pictures.

When you put words and photos together on a magazine cover it makes more of a impact. Rather than if it would've just been words or photos.  Words describe what is going on in that photo and information about that subject or category. Like in my favorite cover there was only a photo and I didn't know what was going on, I only saw the photo.


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