Sports Portfolios

1. Alyssa Shukar
2. she has an eating disorder
3. all pictures were taken at a distance, each picture has the same lens or feel to it, there is not enough strong symbols.
4. They said that they liked the picture of the man sweeping the streets and the background included in tha picture as well as the picture of the girl falling down from the hurdles because all you can see if the opponents legs and her emotion.
5. I think that there a only a couple pictures that I liked because of the focus, angling, and emotion, but all of the other pictures were taken from a distance and you either couldn't tell what was going on or it was too far away and blurry.

1. Travis Haughton
2. genetic condition and deaf
3. back of someones head that was dominating the photo that was off putting, focus was unclear, and some pictures needed captions to help us understand what was going on in the photo. As well as some pictures looked set up and there were signs.
4. captured genuine moments and some photos were taken well
5. I think that most of the photos were clear and you new just by looking at the picture what was going on, but a couple of them I think needed captions or clarification because I sometimes didn't know what was going on or why that photo was taken.

1. Nick Adams
2.different people and their lives
3. the focus was bothering, there should be a limit to the number of kids who have disadvantages, and photos were boring. As well as some photos were framed isanely.
4. good attempts and graphics
5. I think some of these pictures were a little boring and there wasn't that much clarification by just looking at the photo.

1. Jordan Murph
2. Sports pictures
3.2 points of view, need an object in the photo, doesn't really tell you anything,
4. Good solid sports pictures, good unique moment captured in an image we've seen multiple times, and good lighting and nice composition.
5. I think that many of these photos were very well taken action and sports photos that were very clear as well as focused and you could tell what was going on. There was only one that I would've added more clarification and focus too and that was the golf picture because I think they could've focused a lot more on the golfer himself as well as the golf ball.

Dustin snipes
a. Some strengths that they mentioned were color composition, nice angles, and use of the photo (emotion)
b. I think that Dustin Snipes was very good and capturing action shots and how to angle the photos when he took them. Many of the pictures were involved with sports and they were action shots.

Contest Recap
The judges process consisted of looking at the portfolio  overall and discussing how many strong photos the portfolio had. They compared many portfolios to each other and discussed what stood out to them.

Part 2
a. I agree with the judges on the photo that was taken on a baseball field with 3 baseball players. The judges liked this image and its angling because it is a very unique perspective. But the judges also said that the photo lacks action with 2 out of 3 of the guys and I agree with them because I think the photo would be much more capturing to look at if all of them would be in action.
b. I disagree partially with the judges of the image at a baseball field with the silhouette of a dad holding up up his little girl in the air with a colorful sunset in the background because it shows emotion and really captures the eye. The judges did not comment on aspects that they did not like and I thought it was a very captivating photo with the colors, contrast, action, and emotion consisted in it.
