Ethics in fashion photography

1. They used photoshop to make the model's...
- They made her neck thinner.
- They made her eyes bigger.
- They made her lips fuller looking.
- They made her neck longer as well.

2. They used photoshop to make the model's...
-neck longer
- eyes bigger
- Skin gloccier
- nose thinner
- legs longer
- stomach thinner
- skin whiter

3.They used photoshop to make the model's...
- bigger waist and stomach
- bigger face
- changed the skin color to splotchy then to a cheesy color
- smaller boobs
- made the bikini into splotches of red (peperoni)
- got rid of her face
- made the women into a piece of pizza

4. No, it is not ethically acceptable to photoshop a picture into something that is fake and completely different.
5. Yes, an example of this would be the image of the women that was turned into a piece of pizza.
6.  Changes that are ok are skin color, hair color, and red eyes are ok to change, but changing that body is not.
7. Fashion photography is a lot of editing a photoshopping while photo journalism yes you're editing and photoshopping, but at the same time you've taken these pictures.
8. One relationship between all photography is photoshopping this affects how people see these photos and what they think is right to do or think the picture is real.  This has an affect on photography because photographers change the photo's on a daily bases.
9. I think you're showing me these three videos because it shows what people do to photos to make it look appealing and beautiful.  But in reality it is just a bunch of photoshopping.
10. These videos weren't about guys because many models like girls have a lot to photoshop and or get rid of.


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