
Showing posts from April, 2019

Sports Portfolios

1. Alyssa Shukar 2. she has an eating disorder 3. all pictures were taken at a distance, each picture has the same lens or feel to it, there is not enough strong symbols. 4. They said that they liked the picture of the man sweeping the streets and the background included in tha picture as well as the picture of the girl falling down from the hurdles because all you can see if the opponents legs and her emotion. 5. I think that there a only a couple pictures that I liked because of the focus, angling, and emotion, but all of the other pictures were taken from a distance and you either couldn't tell what was going on or it was too far away and blurry. 1. Travis Haughton 2. genetic condition and deaf 3. back of someones head that was dominating the photo that was off putting, focus was unclear, and some pictures needed captions to help us understand what was going on in the photo. As well as some pictures looked set up and there were signs. 4. captured genuine m

Car Raid

1. I will do my car raid with my friends moms car. 2. I will most likely do the car raid this weekend on sat because I do not have life gaurd training. 3. How important would you say your car is to you? How long have you had this car? Why did you decide to get this car? Was it because you really lied how it looked or because it was safe etc? Are you planning on getting a new car anytime soon? How would you describe how this car fits your personality? 4. I will expect to write many details on how to owner said it and use diologue.

Merger shoot


forced perspective shoot


Landscape Preview

1. One place to go on the internet to prepare for the locations I'm shooting at is google maps. 2.One app you can download to help you pick the best angle is Photographers ephemeris. 3. Photographing with a zoomed or telephoto lens may mean that far details will not be captured as clearly as if you were to use a longer lens. 4.Instead of HDR the latest digital SLRs and raw processing software such as Lightroom 6. 5.In case of bad weather you should bring a strong, water-proof plastic bag for camera equipment, clean cloths for the lens glass and filters, and also a microfiber towel for drying off camera parts. 6. Pre-Scouting helps to identify all the possible view points and maybe get some shors from a not so common view point. 7. The subject is more important than composition in landscape photography because sometimes the subject doesn't fit into the basic composition, and you'll need to adjust the camera to focus on the subject. 8. You will need to focus on the mai

Merger Photo Preview

1. Something I think that could be a problem when I take photos is making sure the camera stays in the exact same place. 2. I think a good place to take this type of picture would be on the track because there is a lot of light exposure. 3. Something that would be cool would be to lay on the ground and take a picture of the track from a low angle. 4. Something that contrasts with the track as well as the area around it because I am going to be taking a picture on the ground with my camera pointing downward.

HDR shoot
