
Showing posts from August, 2018

Basic composition P.2

Balance Framing Avoiding Mergers

Basic Photo composition P.1

Simplicity this is shows simplicity because the background doesn't distract from the main subject which is the person. And the background is a little out of focus as well. Rule of Thirds This photo has rule of thirds in it because the photo shows many different things in a horizontal and vertical line. And you can tell what the subject is. Lines This photo shows the rule of lines in it because it catches the eye and are lines on the building, but is also showing what happened on 9/11 as well.

My 2 photos

1. I chose this photo because when I took it it made me think of summer and happiness. The flower was very vibrant and colorful which always attracts my attention. 2. I chose this photo as my person photo because I love basketball myself and it has a lot of people in this picture doing what the love and its just a pretty cool photo. ( I'm sorry its a smidge blurry they were moving.)

answers to questions on your blog

1. This effect was known as "camera obscura" which means "dark room" in Latin. Where the hole would act like a lens, to where light would project and focus throughout the wall of a dark chamber. This was achieved by being in a dark room with light projecting through. 2.  Issac Newton and Christian Huygens got one step closer to modern cameras by making high quality glass lenses. 3.  Parts of N iepce's modern camera included a dark box, a glass lens, and film. 4.In both digital and Niecpe's camera light passes through the lens, into the camera, and exposes the film, which creates a photo. 5.  To capture an image using a digital camera it uses an electric sensor called CCD. 6. With Auto mode everything is controlled and done by the camera and with Program mode the camera will help you, but you will still have control over some settings such as the flash. 7.  Portrait mode is used to blur out the background and to use the fastest available lens. 8. Spor

welcome to my blog!

I did photo journalism because I love photography and in 5th grade at baranoff I was in the photography club and I got to have my own camera to take pictures with and I absolutely loved it. But in middle school they didn't have any photography clubs so I was pretty bummed so in high school when I saw this elective I was so happy and I took it.